Monday, June 15, 2009

5 things to never say to a teller

1. When asked how you would like your cash back, don't say "American" or "green" or "negotiable" or "pennies". All I have is "American", it's not even all "green" any more, what do you mean "negotiable"? We don't have live chickens or exotic spices to trade you. And if you piss me off enough I WILL give it to you in "pennies", douchebag. You're not clever so quit it.

2. "Got any extra money?" Only if you'd like to take extra out of your account.

3. "Are you giving out free samples today?" You can sample my goddamn fist in your smug face, bastard.

4. "The other branch does/doesn't do this." So then go back to that "other branch" you twat.

5. "Got any money left?" Nope. Sorry. Go home.

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